Essential oil of immortelle treats cosmetic and medical problems. It is traditionally used to help with asthma, migraines, liver problems and skin diseases.
- Powerful anti-aging effect makes this plant well-known
- It stimulates enhanced formation of natural collagen, which is present in our skin cells, and removes wrinkles and crinkles
- It nourishes the skin and improves tissue elasticity, making stretch marks less visible. It also helps with sports injuries
- It is effective in preventing infections, but also in healing and scar reduction. It can be used in baths to relieve airway obstruction, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and fever
- It can be used as an antispasmodic, which means that suppresses and prevents all kinds of spasms. It helps to relieve headaches and migraines
- It has a positive effect on emotional health, eliminates stress and nervousness
- Combination of essential oil of immortelle and other essential oils may also be used to remove acne
For more information and for essential oil ordering, please contact us by e-mail
The properties, action, indications and application methods are described in the literature and on the web sites about aromatherapy, medicinal herbs and healthy life. The information provided are for informative purposes only and do not contain medical information. BIO PLAN is not responsible for their accuracy. For use of essential oil in the therapeutic purposes, seek advice from a physician/phyto-aromatherapist.